Thank you for considering joining the Greenacres Neighborhood Association. Our sole sources of funding comes from generous neighbors like you!
If you have any questions about the Greenacres Neighborhood Association or becoming a member, please reach out to
We encourage you to join now, get involved, and help make Greenacres the place to be.
Your membership helps fund events:
July 4th Celebration
Pancake Breakfast
Outdoor Movie Night
Annual Town Hall Meeting
Greenacres School Tours
Incoming Kindergarten Playdate
And allows us to work to improve and beautify our neighborhood:
New benches at George Field Park
Orchestrating the repairs of the Huntington Avenue sidewalk and the pedestrian crossing sign on Brewster and Fenimore.
And more!!!
As a member you get:
A voice in the decisions that affect our neighborhood.
Early notification of upcoming events, along with priority registration.
Opportunities to volunteer and get involved in your community.
A Greenacres Association address sign to make your house more visible in case of an emergency:
If you would prefer to pay by check, please make the check payable to Greenacres Neighborhood Association and mail it to:
Greenacres Neighborhood Association
PO Box 654
Scarsdale, NY 10583
Please ensure your name and address are displayed on your check.